mini-documentary about our mini-play “See Me” part of the “Hope in River City” project

Often, the best way to understand a big story is to tell all the little stories around it. 

In December, 2021, an encampment for unhoused people began on DOT land in East Spokane. The growing tent city grew quickly, and became known as Camp Hope. 

At one point, the largest homeless encampment in the United States, Camp Hope changed Spokane’s relationship to unhoused people. 

We at The Finding Human Project want to help Spokane tell that story. This is what humans do, we tell our stories, listen to stories, and build connections through stories. We don’t all have to find agreement, but telling/listening to stories helps us find ourselves as complete humans. 

See Me” is our first proof-of-concept mini-show. Our initial performance was at West Central Abbey, and is available for performance.


We are in process of applying for funding to expand the show, and always looking for more performers and collaborators.

The next phase will include story circles with service providers, the local neighborhood where Camp Hope was located, and people with lived experience within the camp itself. More info on how to collaborate as a deviser, here.